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Топики по английскому языку

If you want to go to the cinema in Russia today you will have to face two problems. The first is to find a cinema in your locality which is still showing films and which has not been turned into a disco, bar, ...
In this composition I would like to discuss the conflicts of the modern world and the consequences of the competitive society. Being asked about this I usually start with a competitive society. Because this is...
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness....
In the early 1960s, when computers were hulking mainframes that took up entire rooms, engineers were already toying with the then - extravagant notion of building a c...
According to Control Your Diabetes Education Program for Life, a program sponsored by the National Diabetes Education Program, people who take control of diabetes will, in the short run, feel better, have more...
I’m going to speak about some kinds of pollution, for example air pollution or acid rain, water pollution. Now different kinds of trees, many of the animals, birds, fish are in serious danger. What should gove...
The substantive in Indo-European has always three main categories which change its forms: the number, the case, the gender. It ias known that the general trend of the Indo-European family is to decrease the nu...
Britain presented the world with а complete system for the construction and operation of railways. Solutions were found to civil engineering problems, motive power designs and the details of rolling stock. The...
Russian smart-cards market is one of the fastest developing sectors of country’s financial market. The trial period which was over by 1995 allowed its participants to learn technologies and problems that can be...
This short history of the Tower of London charts the different stages of its development. Throughout its history, the Tower has attracted a number of important functions and its role as armoury, royal palace, ...
Football has taken the origin in England. Football was played by the whole village teams in the middle ages in England. Now football is the most popular game not only in Britain, but also in our country....
1. In September 1944 London was bombarded by the world's first ballistic missile, V2, "Vengeance Weapon No. 2". It did not make the slightest deflection in the course of the World War II, however gave an im...
Following the American foreign political way, England must carry the mutal responsibility for their blunders. The same situation is taking place in Kosovo and Metkhia now. Due to the Anglo – American pro – Alb...
There are two big classifications of managers[2]: the horizontal classification only looks at the responsibilities. We can distinguish the functional manager and the general manager. The functional manager is r...
For more than a thousand years Britain has always had kings or queens except for the ten years between 1649 and 1659. In the past, kings had great power and they really helped to make history. They started wars...
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Doubtless this move was not only inspired by York's fear for the conduct of the war in France, but also because he was equally fearful that Somerset might take over the very position that York felt was his ow...
Hello, dear friends. Our time is an epoch of conquest the Solar System.
Nowadays people live on almost each of the planets in our system. Only
Mercury and Pluto had showed no hospitality for people to ...
The "dark" Middle Ages were followed by a time known in art and literature as the Renaissance. The word "renaissance" means "rebirth" in French and was used to denote a phase in the cultural development ...
Reading the book “The Third Wave” by Alvin Toffler left a very deep mark in my memory. There are only a few people in the entire world that have the kind of mind that allows them to look at regular life differ...
Рефетека ру refoteka@gmail.com