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Топики по английскому языку

I think that there are two ways of spending your holidays - active and passive. The passive way means staying in the sun, for example, and enjoying doing nothing (, and the active - quite opposite: going boati...
Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply days, for example Pancake Day and Bonfire Night, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they ar...
And it wasn't the last change in the modern history. Later in the XX century the modulator-demodulator also known as modem was created and really started the Telecommunications Age. First computers were conne...
In other words, the essay must be well structured (i.e. organized) and presented in a way that the reader finds easy to follow and clear: it must look tidy and not present any obstacles to the reader. It must ...
Idioms involve collocation of a special kind. Consider, for instance, kick the bucket, fly off the handle, spill the beans, red herring. For here we not only have the collocation of kick and the bu...

Ilya Efimovich Repin was born in 1844 in a small Ukrainian town of Tchuguev in the family of a military settler. As a boy he was trained as an icon painter. At the age of 19 he entered the...
“Powerful telescopes reveal new stars coalescing from galactic dust, just as our sun did more than 4.5 billion years ago. The earth itself formed shortly thereafter, when rock, dust, and gas circling the sun c...
In its earliest crucial functions, in developing embryo, testosterone play the key role in telling the cells of the genetically male embryo to develop as a male. It is amazing, but all human embryo begins as f...
Intelligence is in government operations, evaluated information concerning such things as the strength, activities, and probable courses of action of other nations who are usually, but not necessarily, opponen...
As David Glass is well aware, effective communicators have many tools at their disposal when they want to get across a message. Whether writing or speaking, they know how to put together the words that will co...
Представитель нашего государства выразил свое убеждение, что эта международная научно-практическая конференция, которая проводится по инициативе ОБСЕ и в которой участвуют известные ученые различных стран, при...
MiddleSex Holdings is a diversified international company, operating in primary industries (steel, non-ferrous metals and energy), financial service and agriculture. Additionally, the company has trade investm...
One of the main differences of the Internet from all rest, that is connected to computers, is that for successful work with it(him), generally speaking, it is not necessary of any books. Internet can serve both...
1. Raw Materials - A natural of semifinished god that is used in manufacturing or processing to make some other good. Bauxite is the raw materials (ore) from which aluminum is made; aluminum is turn can be the ...
Interpreter in the whole is a very good profession, because it is permanent process of learning and developing of yourself by speaking an communicating with the people of other nations....
Johann Woifgang von Goethe wurde am 28. Aufgust 1749 in Frankfurt am Main in einer wohlhabenden burgerlichen Familie geboren. Sein Vater war Jurist und kaiserlicher Rat, die um zwanzig Jahre ju...
As an undergraduate Joyce published essays on literature. His first book, Chamber Music (1907), consists of 36 highly finished love poems, which reflect the influence of the Elizabethan lyricists and the Engli...
Prior to an analysis of the narrative of the story, where a jealous husband is presented, the nature of jealousy needs to be illuminated for the audience. After hearing the various theories on love by his fell...
1749 Johann Wolfgang Goethe wird am 28. August in Frankfurt am Main geboren. Seine Eltern sind der Kaiserliche Rat ohne Amt Johann Kaspar
Goethe und die SchultheiЯentochter Katharina Elisabeth Textor aus d...
Jхulud on rahulikud ja vaiksed pьhad. Enne jхule kдiakse saunas. Kхik tццd tuleb varakult lхpetada. Kдiakse kirikus. Kьlas ei kдida, kьlalisi vastu ei vхeta. Istutakse omaste keskel, lauldakse jхululaule, sььa...
Рефетека ру refoteka@gmail.com