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Топики по английскому языку

All of these family elements inspired Nelly's passion for music and a broad spectrum of musical genres at that. By the age of four, young Nelly was playing the ukulele and singing in Portuguese and English, an...
In 1777 Nelson passed the examination for lieutenant and sailed for the West Indies, the most active theater in the war against the American colonies. Promoted to captain in 1779, at the early age of the 20, h...
New York is the largest city in the world & the biggest seaport. It is the money-center of the U. S.
New York is situated in north-east of the USA in the state of N. Y. Of the Empire State.
In companio...
Britain joins European Economic Community and adopts their trade barriers to New Zealand's agricultural products. Combined with high oil prices, this was enough to devastate the economy....
Nowadays we don’t subscribe to any newspapers or magazines. Some years ago we subscribed to some newspapers, for example “Moscovsky komsomolets”. It is, I think, the most popular newspaper at russian people. I...
The literature generally describes a metallic bond as the one formed by means of mutual bonds between atoms' exterior electrons and not possessing the directional properties. However, attempts have been made t...
A Brief History of the Oxford University
Oxford is a unique and historic institution. As the oldest English-speaking university in the world, it lays claim to eight centuries of continuous existence. There...
The furious apostle of the philosophy of romanticism was William Blake who was strongly opposed to the rules of Reynolds proposing that the guiding force for creative spirit should come from imagination not re...
Paris, comme la ville tres ancienne, possede beaucoup de places historiques. La plus ansienne partie de Paris est L’Ile de la Citй, berceau de Paris, qui se trouve entre de bras du fleuve. C'est а partir de l...
King Charles II owed William Penn Ј16,000, money which
Admiral Penn had lent him. Penn asked the King to grant him land in the territory between Lord Baltimore's province of Maryland and the Duke of
Among Shakespeare’s many great works, Hamlet probably is the greatest. The whole play is about power and authority. The king of Denmark was murdered by his brother Claudius, who married his wife Gertrude, and ...
Persian Islamic neoplatonist who employed Aristotelian logic in support of his arguments for the existence of god and used Plato's Republic as the model for his own description of civil society in Principles ...
A young Pink proclaimed her love for music by running through her house singing songs, and creating her own fantasies by doing so. While growing up, the Philly club scene provided her the venue to express herse...
Genocide is a sustained purposeful action by a perpetrator to physically destroy a collectivity directly or indirectly, through interdiction of the biological and social reproduction of group members, sustaine...
Polari became an appropriate tool with which to confuse and confound the naff omees (straight men). It traveled the world via the sea queens, who incorporated navy slang into a new version of the language and a...
The flag. It is called the stars and the stripes and old glory. It was adopted in 1777. The red stripes proclaim courage, the white - liberty, and the field of blue stands for loyalty....
Bei der Errechnung des Absatzpreises in Handelsunternehmen symbolisisiert k den Einkaufspreis und der Gewinnzuschlag enthдlt die Handlungskosten und den gewьnschten Gewinn. Und in dem Industrieunternehmen bede...
Well, it may sound improbable, but even in the century of high technologies preventing deseases is still actual. Though in our time the humanity has overcome such creepy deseases as plague, lues, leprosy and f...
В 1902 году Уиллис Хавиланд Карриер сделал сделал большой вклад в контролирование над внутренним климатом, соизмеримый только с тем, что
Александр Грэм Белл сделал для связи и Генри Форд сделал для транспор...
Atmospheric disturbances were insignificant at that time. The frequency of echoes was equal to that of the main signal. K.Stermer explained the nature of echoes by reflection of radio waves from layers of part...
Рефетека ру refoteka@gmail.com