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Топики по английскому языку

«Car, disait-il, il n'y a qu'un amour trиs violent et satisfait qui se contente d'une seule femme.» En outre, la mauvaise compagnie dans laquelle don Juan йtait plongй ne lui laissait pas un moment de repos...
1. For a distinguished example of meritorious public service by a newspaper through the use of its journalistic resources which may include editorials, cartoons, and photographs, as well as reporting....
But the punk culture is constantly improved: even for example if to take group popular now «King and Fool» , in this group all singers with higher education, it speaks about much ....
In the manuscript the last beat of bar eight is the resolution of the previous dominant chord to the tonic sixth chord. It follows by a modulation through Major tonic sixth chord and the Subdominant to the A...
Me llamo Katia Zelenova, tengo 16 aсos, nacн en Rusia donde he vivido durante 14 aсos, Hace un aсo que llegue a Inglaterra.
Todavia tengo 17 GCSEґs de Rusia, los pase en el aсo 9. La educaciуn en russia es...
There are different approaches trying to answer this question, but basically they are split into two views: whether government should regulate actively or intervene only in case of “market failure”....
I think it is impossible to imagine our life without radio and TV. Radio and TV are widely used in today’s world. It is the quickest means of spreading news and the information. Radio plays an important role i...
With such a clear distinction between the characters, a distinction that decisively favors Svidrigailov as a superior being, why does it so happen that Raskolnikov, a failed theorist, a confirmed “louse”, find...
Structurally the paper consists of three parts focused on the information about “the dialect” in general and the ways it differs from the standard language (its phonetic, grammar and other linguistic differenc...
As replacement heifers grow, their needs change. This includes a change in needed physical environment. When a heifer is young, it is physically separated from other animals to minimize the risk of disease. As...
In place of the king, two chief executives were chosen annually by the whole body of citizens. These were known as praetors, or leaders, but later received the title of consuls. The participation of a colleagu...
9. Population Characteristics
10. Principal Cities
11. Religion and Language
12. Education
13. Elementary and Secondary Schools
14. Universities and Collages
15. Government
16. Cent...
Le nom de Saint-Petersburg est liй aux pages glorieuses de l’histoire et de la culture de notre pays. C’est un grand centre culturel celebre dans le monde entier par ses musees, ses monuments et ses ensembles ...
Surrealists hunted for unpredicted in order to free from the control of the mind. (For example, they placed a sheet of a paper on rough surfaces and rubbed a paper with dry paints, and received fantastic confi...
We humans have had a long association with wild animals. For all but the last few thousand years of our two million years, we have depended on them for our very existence. We were hunters in our early days, dr...
Investigations prove that almost 90% of school students have developed health problems or are now behind the norm of their age in mental and physical maturity. The reason for that can be found not only in poor...
|Scotland, administrative division of the kingdom of Great Britain, occupying |
|the northern third of the island of Great Britain. Scotland is bounded on the |
|north by the Atlantic Ocean; on the east...
Like the climate of the rest of Great Britain, that of Scotland is subject to the moderating influences of the surrounding seas. As a result of these influences, extreme seasonal variations are rare, and tempe...
The order in which various types are described will follow more or less closely the diachronic classifications of M. Breal and H. Paul. No attempt at a new classification is considered necessary. There seems t...
Posted 2002-08-26
I awoke one day to a phone call from the painter Chartkov, a recent graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts, a lean, sallow fellow with a flaxen goatee and the overearnest expression of the S...
Рефетека ру refoteka@gmail.com