Рефетека.ру / Иностранный язык

Топик: A Traveler's Guide to Moscow

|[pic] |[pic] |
|"There are only two reasons to |"Don't be shocked by the prices.|
|come here, "says one Western |In many places, the whole point |
|businessman, "to have a fun and |is to spend as much money as |
|get rich." |possible to show what a big shot|
| |you are." |
|t may come as a|know what. |Night Life |Casino Royale |
|surprise to |Having never |Moscow's night|The city's most |
|many to learn |previously |life is of |elegant casino |
|that Moscow is |visited a |epic |and a favorite |
|one of the |post-communist |proportions, |among serious |
|world's great |city, |and people |players |
|cities. It |particularly |don't really | |
|certainly did |one that had |start rocking | |
|to me. I think |the reputation |until midnight| |
|that, like many|for rampant |and seldom | |
|people, I |crime and |stop before | |
|envisioned a |shoddy |sunup. | |
|city that was a|Stalinist |One thing to | |
|cross between |architecture |bear in mind: | |
|Beirut and ... |enjoyed by |Many | |
|well, I don't |Moscow. |nightclubs, | |
| | |casinos and | |
| | |bars cater | |
| | |mainly to the | |
| | |Russian mafia.| |
| | |So don't go | |
| | |unless you're | |
| | |with someone | |
| | |who's known | |
| | |there; then | |
| | |everything | |
| | |will be fine. | |
|Hotels |Hotel Baltschug|Making The |-Getting |
|The following |Kempinski |Most Of Moscow|Oriented: Moscow|
|hotels are mix |Few urban | |is one of the |
|of Moscow's |hotels anywhere|-Arriving: If |most confusion |
|best, from |can top the |possible, |cities in the |
|inexpensive to |view. Five-star|arrange to |world to |
|luxury. All |European |have someone |navigate. |
|provide |comfort and |meet you with |-Taxis: Moscow's|
|Western-style |service. Rooms:|a car when you|taxi system is a|
|accommodations |$384-420. |land at |free-for-all, |
|and amenities. | |Sheremetivo |and |
| | |Airport. Upon |out-of-towners |
| | |arrival you |will be taken |
| | |will be handed|shocking |
| | |a customs |advantage of if |
| | |form. Do not |they don't know |
| | |lose this: |the score. Fares|
| | |you'll be |are agreed upon |
| | |expected to |before you get |
| | |turn it in |in. The best bet|
| | |along with a |is to hire a car|
| | |new one when |and driver for |
| | |you depart. |your stay. |
| | |-Visas: The |-Money: Many |
| | |Russians |places take |
| | |remain very |rubles instead |
| | |strict about |of hard |
| | |visas. Be sure|currency, but |
| | |that all your |the $ is quickly|
| | |dates coincide|becoming |
| | |with those on |Russia's |
| | |your visa. |unofficial |
| | | |currency. So |
| | | |it's good to |
| | | |carry some |
| | | |greenbacks. |
|Restaurants |Golden Ostap | | |
|Since the |A traditional | | |
|Soviet Union |Georgian | | |
|crumbled, |restaurant that| | |
|Moscow has seen|also offers a | | |
|an explosion of|little | | |
|restaurants |blackjack and | | |
|purveying |roulette. | | |
|international |McDonald's | | |
|cuisine. Most |All location of| | |
|that cater to |this American | | |
|Western |icon are | | |
|visitors, |unbelievably | | |
|generally the |popular. | | |
|more expensive | | | |
|ones, are | | | |
|relatively safe| | | |
|and clean, | | | |
|though quality | | | |
|varies. | | | |

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  32. • Д. Вінкебонс "Веселе товариство", експертний висновок
  33. • Tourism in Spain
  34. • Baldur's Gate
  35. • Эко-эффективность и современная экономика
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  49. • Sightseeing
  50. • Принципы реализации эко-эффективности
  51. • Д. Вінкебонс "Веселе товариство", експертний висновок
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  53. • Baldur's Gate
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  66. • Сетевая телефония
  67. • Youth organizations in Great Britain
  68. • Sightseeing
  69. • Принципы реализации эко-эффективности
  70. • Д. Вінкебонс "Веселе товариство", експертний висновок
  71. • Tourism in Spain
  72. • Baldur's Gate
  73. • Эко-эффективность и современная экономика
  74. • Английские фразеологизмы с цветовым компонентом
  75. • Возможно ли самозарождение жизни?
  76. • Moscow
Рефетека ру refoteka@gmail.com