Рефетека.ру / Иностранный язык

Топики по английскому языку

In Europe the books became cheaper and more widespread when the use of paper became more frequent, especially as a strong rise of intellectual life of society went together with this after the crusades and the development of universities....
This paper is dedicated to English language. This topic was chosen because it is interesting....
Internet - the world largest computer network. And the main goal is to show how Web's freedom will help in development of education and democracy....
Nowadays many environmental issues are in the news. All of them have a devastating effect on the Earth and people on the planet....
Things in Yasnaya Polyana, which remind us about England. Lev Tolstoy studies English, goes abroad, visits London. Lev Tolstoy comes to Herzen in England. ...
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, driving a car is the single most polluting thing that most of us do....
The Russian character and identity have long been influenced by the fact that Russia spreads across the two continents: Europe and Asia....
It’s the sea that has shaped the life of the inhabitants of the British Isles for centuries....
Viele Leute wissen nicht, was man darf und was man im Haus nicht machen darf. Da sind wichtige Gerichtsurteile....
Recent demographic trends in Russia have caused widespread public concern. The "Depopulation" of Russia....
One of the world's most famous yet least visited archaeological sites, Easter Island is a small, hilly, now treeless island of volcanic origin....
Thousands of people emigrate annually. For many, living and working abroad for extended periods of time becomes the adventure of a lifetime....
Perhaps everyone has ever asked himself a question: 'Is my lifestyle healthy?'....
It's needless to say that travelling tops the list of means of spending free time during vacations. ...
Until recently, we all believed that travel broadened the mind, but now many believe the exact opposite: “Modern tourism narrows the mind”....
Jeder vierte Deutsche hat Schlafstoerungen. Einige Leute koennen schnell nicht einshlafen, andere wachen nachts auf. Was kann man gegen Schlafstoerungen tun....
It's needless to say that sightseeing tops the list of things to do when you are abroad. Why. No matter how strange it may seen but I'm not fond of sightseeing....
Prevalence of Youth Drinking. Drinking and Adolescent Development. Risk Factors for Adolescent Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependence....
Особенности состава согласных фонем. Артикуляционные особенности русского и литовского языков. Фонетические законы в области согласных. ...
The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews is a modern phenomenon, which began around the turn of the 20th century. In the 19th century, following a trend that began earlier in Europe....
Рефетека ру refoteka@gmail.com