Рефетека.ру / Иностранный язык

Топики по английскому языку

A sampling of contract phrases. Foreign esoteric words. ...
The examples of some business letters and their analysis. ...
The Basic Goals and Reform Process of the Kim Young Sam Administration. The Concept of a New Korea. Curing the Korean Disease. ...
Past Performance and Policies. Recent Challenges. Major Tasks and Policy Directions. ...
Land, people, transportation of Korea. Telecommunications of Korea. ...
The history of Ireland. ...
Trade intermediates and natural resources. Middle products (intermediates). Natural resources. ...
Tourism has become a highly developed business. Travelling on business. Travelling by sea, by plane, by car. ...
German investment bank "Dresden Kleinwort Benson". The analysis of an article. ...
Business dealings with the corporation. Corporate opportunity doctrine. Compensation for services to the corporation. ...
When nondisclosure constitutes a violation. Liability of nontrading persons for misrepresentation. Tippee and tipper liability. ...
Management of corporation’s business. Appointment of directors. Functioning of board. ...
Contracts made by promoters on corp’s behalf. Powers of the corporation.Ultra vires transactions. ...
The duty of care. Self-dealing transactions. Domination of subsidiary by parent. ...
Formalities in organizing corporation.Defects in formation process. Corporation by estoppel. ...
Piercing the corporate veil. Subordination of shareholder debts. ...
Pancake day. Christianity. Easter. Lent Sunday. ...
Corporations distinguished from other forms of business associations.Principal characteristics of a corporation. ...
The global connection existing between fundamental physical constants is open. On this basis Newtonian constant of gravitation G is explored. ...
To main fundamental constant scientists usually refer gravitational constant, Planck constant and speed of light. In fundamental physics many scientists used the units system, in which these constants equal 1. ...
Рефетека ру refoteka@gmail.com