Доклад: Соционический подход к изучению наций /english/
Socionical approach in studding of nations
Ethnosocionics consider nations as psychoinformatoin systems (integral persons), of which the Jung's persons' typology is true.
Volodymyr Scherbyna, Russia
It is not new idea to consider ethnos as integral person (collective subject). This idea was advanced and was substantiated in the works of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Nikolay Berdyayev, Nykolay Lossky, etc. In particular Carl Jung wrote that “people's psyche is only more compound structure than person's psyche”. It is logically to consider this integral person to be reasonable, i. e. this integral person has consciousness, memory, action logic, emotions. Ethnosocionics considers ethnos as psychoinformation system, of which the persons' typology is also true. In each ethnos there are persons of different psychological types. In spite of this the ethnos is the macroorganism of the certain psychological type. Just this often to be named as “national character”. So this science studies ethnoses' psychological types, features of their behaviour, mutual relations with other nations, etc.
Ethnosocionics is one of the directions of socionics, a young science, which was born on the boundary between psychology, sociology and information science. Socionics is based on the Jung's typology and Augustinavichjute's Intertypes' Relations Theory. It is considering persons as bearers of the certain types of information metabolism, which are developing and interacting on the base of objective laws.
Each person is being examined over 4 main pairs of signs (coordinates): logical ѕ ethical (emotional), sensorical ѕ intuitional, rational ѕ irrational, extravert ѕ introvert. While studding the concrete person one can determine the mentality type, this person inclined to: logical or emotional, concrete or abstract etc. Having determined each of 4 pairs of signs one determines the one of 16 sociotypes the person under determination belongs to.
Socionics considers person as information system, the bearer of the certain type of information metabolism. The body of person lives exchanging substance and energy with the outer world. And the psyche part of the person lives sharing information with the outer world. All information, which person receives from the outside (the information about outer world) and from the inside (the information about psychophysical state of person), is the common information stream.
Each person can make out some aspects of information stream better then other ones. Psychological function is the ability of person to make out one aspect of information stream. Socionics descries 8 aspects of information stream and 8 psychological functions accordingly. These functions have graphical conventional signs, names and “duties”:
*) In the SOCIONICS psychological (socionical) types have 3-letters conventional signs, and in the western literature — 4-letters ones.