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Топик: Books in our life

Books in our life

«Books and friends should be few but good», says an English proverb. Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! The book is certainly one of the greatest inventions of man. It is a friend and a teacher. We learn many things by reading books. Books teach people to live. The book is a faithful friend. They form our values and our characters. It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future, to look into the past. One can learn a lot by reading books.

There are a lot of libraries in our country, where we can choose any book we need. Everyone has the right to use public libraries. The librarian is always ready to help you to find a book on any subject.

Talks, exhibitions and other events take place in libraries. Except reading special and scientific literature it is a great pleasure to read belles-lettres.

Different people like to read different kinds of it. It depends on one's taste and character. Some people prefer detectives or science fiction. Others like historical books. Girls and women prefer love stories. Children like comics very much.

As for me, I prefer to read science fiction. It is very interesting and exciting for me as my hobby is computing. I read that some scientists think that without the computer the 21st century would be impossible. Computers are penetrating all spheres of human activity. In many of them they become indispensable. They calculate orbits, guide spaceships and planes, play chess, teach pupils, house wives to choose a menu. We often her that the increasing flood of information will be one of the problems of the 21st century. A computer may help to solve it too. It’s hard enumerate all the uses the computer may be put too. To my mind any books are our best friends. We must treat them with care and they will give us a lot of pleasure.

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